Estudio Darío Escobar 2021 – 2022  |  Galería Marc Domènech, Barcelona 2022  |  Zlotowski Galerie, Paris 2021 – to date  | Nendo Galerie, Marsella 2020 – to date  |  Scottdale Museum, Arizona 2020, 2022  |   Ex Teresa Arte Actual. Reported to Guillermo Santamarina and Francisco Rivas. Graphic, Editorial Designer. 1999-2004, and march 2017 – to date  |  Catedra Max Aub, UNAM Reported to Tania Aedo. Graphic and Editorial Design. 2019 – to date  |  Arte Ciencia y Tecnología (ACT), UNAM. Reported to Cinthya García Leyva, and Eugenio Tisselli. Graphic and Editorial Design. 2017 – to date  |  Museum of Contemporary Art of Santa Barbara 2019 – 2020  |  Museo Amparo Reported to Ramiro Martínez. Editorial Design. 2017 – 2019  |  Bodegas Otazu. Reported to Guillermo Penso. Graphic Design. 2017 – to date  |  Fundación Otazu. Reported to Guillermo Penso. Graphic Design. 2017 – to date  |  ASU Museum, Arizona. Reported to Julio César Morales. Editorial Design. 2018  |  Despacho XDesign. Reported to Pilar Muñoz. Graphic Design. 2016 – 2017  |  Fundación Alumnos 47. Reported to Jessica Berlanga. Graphic Design. 2015 – 2016  |  Biennial of the Americas. Reported to Abaseh Mirvali & Erin Trapp. Graphic Design and Communication. 2011 – 2013  |  La Colección Jumex. Reported to Eugenio López Alonso. Graphic Design, Editorial and Iconography. 2004 – 2012  |  Caja Blanca Gallery. Reported to Lorena Jauregui. Editorial Design. 2011  |  Universidad Iberoamericana. Reported to Ricardo Farías. Editorial Design. 2003  |  ​Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura. Reported to Gabriela López. Graphic and Editorial Design. 2002  |  Radio Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Reported to Manuel Estrada. Production Assistant (Experimental Radio). 1998 – 2000


CENTRO, Mexico City. Master en Estudios sobre Diseño. 2018 – 2020  |  Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. Master en Artes Digitales. 2013 – 2014  |  Universidad del Tepeyac, A.C. Bachelor: Ciencias y Técnicas de la Comunicación. 1998 – 2006


SPANISH • Native Speaker  |  ENGLISH • 90%  |  FRENCH • 30%  |  GERMAN • 20%



2012 “Poule” Nominated by the magazine “La Tempestad as the best catalogue of contemporary art in Mexico (2012)  |  2003 Participation in the compilation of electroacoustic music “X”  |  2003 Participation in the “Improvisation Clinic”, Museo Exteresa Arte Actual  |  2003 Participation in the piece “Postcards Defectuosas” by Guillermo Santamarina, New York  |  2002 Honorable mention in “Expresarte Digital 2002”  |  2001 Participation in the “Seventh International Exhibition of Visual Poetry”, Cuernavaca, Mexico  |  2001 2nd Fourm of musical selection “Pinchar”, Ex Teresa Arte Actual  |  2001 Coordination of the “Professional Skills Profile” project, Universidad del Tepeyac  |  2001 Participation in the 2nd Performance Days “Oxygen Leveling Days”, Ex Teresa Arte Actual
